Acuoscope Therapy
Acuscope 80 LElectrical device,is the latest technology in thefield of energy medicine, to treat pain. Designed specifically for healing nerve tissue and connective tissue such as(Bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons)
As well as to increase and read all the organs of the body.Acuscope 80 LA computer-based technology, the first of its kind,
The automatic frequency scan.Depending on the need of cell has thus come to correct treatment with very high even,It handles the most difficult pain-and injury.
Physiological effects for Acuscope 80 L :
- Reducing the electrical resistance of the infected cells, and introduction of energy
- Sodium pump stimulation by increasing the current cell leading to stimulateMitochondrial.Which are based energy production ATP for cell By 3-5 times more.
- ATP energy to stimulate the metabolism for cell Which leads to an internal cleanup Of the cell and increasing penetration
- Stimulate the blood flow rate from 50 to 100 UA, In the same area, leading to
Of cellular and tissue regeneration.
- Stimulate the production of protein
- Activate the immune system
Acuscope 80 L device features :
- Safe and has no side effects
- of the rare devices that can be used for the top of the neck and head area.
-Treatment effects persist for a long period of time rather than for a limited period and the possibility solve the problem permanently.
-treatment many cases which failed another devices to solved it.
Diseases cases helps to treatment in acuscope 80 L :
-Head & Neck Injuries
-Anxiety & Sleep Disorders
-Tempro Mandibular Joint Problems